I am Thankful

This past week was Thanksgiving. After having 3 years of Thanksgiving in the UK, I have had a couple of suggestions for how to go about making your favourite Thanksgiving dishes.

Pumpkin Pie


I have gotten some fabulous looks when you go to the store looking for pumpkin puree. It is not a common commodity in the UK. I traveled to 3 different stores before giving in and asking google where I could find what I needed. Most places gave me a funny look, but one woman was completely amazed. Here is how our conversation went;

Me: I’m looking for Pumpkin Puree, do you have that here?

Store Assistant: (gives funny look) well we might have that in our puree section… What do you need it for?

Me: Well, I want to make some pumpkin pie

Store Assistant: Why do you need pumpkin pie? Can’t you use something else besides pumpkin?

Me: It for American Thanksgiving, it’s this week. I could make a sweet potato pie, but I would really like pumpkin.

Store Assistant: Can’t you just make your own pumpkin puree?

Me: Again, I could, but it would be so much easier if I could just get the can.

Store Assistant: Oh well you don’t have to explain anything to me, but I don’t think we have what you are looking for.

So basically, they didn’t have what I need, but felt like I got a bit of an interrogation because I was looking for pumpkin in a can. haha. But I managed to find it and get my pumpkin pie. If you can plan far enough ahead, amazon pantry can save the day for sure. (Or give your mum a call and she will post it to you)


This can be found at the pound land (dollar store) but the quality isn’t near as good. But it will do in a pinch. You don’t get as many funny looks if you ask for stuffing and not near as hard to find as pumpkin, but not as common as in the states. Since stuffing isn’t my favourite Thanksgiving dish, I don’t worry so much about finding it.


Now this you wouldn’t think would be hard. But here is the deal. Turkey is a main dish on Christmas Day. So when you go in asking for a turkey for thanksgiving, they look at you and say “Your a month early”. And to be fair, they aren’t wrong. They just don’t understand the wonderful excuse to stuff yourself that is called Thanksgiving. So you usually need to call ahead and order to make sure you get your turkey on Thanksgiving day.

I am Thankful

This year has been so full of thanks for what I have been through this year. I love being in Scotland and to be studying what I love. I am thankful for the friends that help me feel like I have family even though family is so far away. I am grateful for education and all that I learn, and for the opportunity to do so in Scotland. Traveling is so easy here and I this is one of my biggest things I’m thankful for besides my family.